SMART M2M offers a range of solutions designed taking into account the specifics of the operation of bank terminals.

The ATM operation no longer depends on the stability of the signal of the telecom operator, because 2SIM redundant mobile communication works with the base stations of 2 federal mobile operators, the SIM card for the terminals will automatically select the operator with the optimal level of radio coverage. The ATM becomes more profitable, and does not stand idle, spending your money, because postpay and a fixed cost of services simply exclude its stop. As a result, communication services for ATMs become much cheaper than a wired connection and are much more convenient than the offers of mobile operators.

Thanks to SMART M2M technology, your organization’s staff will work on a profile. Specialists are no longer required to go around the terminals, the main issues that previously required the personal presence of an employee are now easily resolved by the owner of SIM-cards by contacting the technical support service and by managing tools in the Personal Account. Our approach is the simplicity and convenience of communication services for ATMs, so we revised the clauses of the standard contract and service, looking at them through the prism of the specifics of ATMs.




The SIM card for the ATM becomes the basis for the creation of closed networks. We register “white” IP addresses and create communication channels with limited access that protect information and personal data.


Only one contract is issued for classic SIM cards for ATMs and 2SIM reservations at a fixed price that does not depend on the location where each individual SIM card installed in the terminal works geographically.


Just one invoice for payment for all communication services, we can also provide statements taking into account the distribution of SIM cards for ATMs across the branch network and issue separate payment documents for departments.


2SIM redundancy is a continuous communication channel, and continuous communication is up-to-date information on the stability of equipment operation, drawing attention to suspicious equipment activity, unauthorized use of SIM cards by employees, and the appearance of viruses.


The SIM card for the banking terminal is reliably protected from inappropriate spending, and cannot be used to make calls and send SMS. In the event of an attempt to misuse 2SIM redundancy, the technical support service will send you an alert and reflect this in the statement for the billing period, but the fixed price for the services will not change.