SMART M2M is a telecom operator and system integrator. We work with enterprises of small, medium and large businesses, as well as with government agencies.

Our achievements

Our customers who entrust us with resolving issues of the quality of communication services and the operation of telecommunication services.
Experience and knowledge possessed by the specialists of our company, which allows us to build effective cooperation for us and our customers, a cooperation that involves:

– implementation of the optimal technical solution
– getting a positive economic effect for our customers
– building and supporting long-term partnerships

Our values
Conservatism in all matters of quality
Flexibility in solving non-standard tasks
Improving working methods and expanding the package of services



Company Services

We provide a full range of services in telecommunications, engineering and construction of corporate infrastructure. The company conducts an audit of facilities and systems, develops all the necessary documentation, provides effective technical and service support.

Engineering, installation, commissioning, operation

Integrated Security Systems

  • Television security and video surveillance
  • Perimeter Security Systems
  • Access Control and Management (ACS)

Engineering systems:

  • Automated building management systems
  • Structured Cabling Systems
  • Ventilation systems

Communication systems:

  • Multiservice networks (Internet, VPN, VolP, IP-TV)
  • Organization and provision of Internet access, VPN L3 channels, construction of communication networks using 3G / 4G technologies
  • Telephone systems
  • WiFi segments


  • Outsourcing IT Infrastructure
  • Mobile Contract Management (Corporate Cellular Outsourcing)
  • Equipment supplies
  • Technical support of complexes
  • Equipment service
  • Technical support service